Off all the things, the least i expected was to see a pillion rider wear a cricket helmet.I dunno abt the accident rate and other issues that go into making this mandatory but it sure isnt being followed in the true spirit.I mean if there were to be an accident,all these helmets might save the head of the pillion-rider but surely it will not reduce the chance of wringing of neck of pillion-riders.
Did some catching up with the rest of the world(called newspaper reading),researched coupla articles and am back in my room.Will prioritize work(one of the most important work to be done during the weekend) and then get on with it.Am in no mood to watch india v/s kenya.The qualifying is on but since there is just one tv and loads of cricket maniacs in the hostel,i will have to compromise.Just praying that there is no match tomorrow so that i can get to watch Monza GP peacefully.Gotta finish quite some work to free up tomorrow's schedule.Cant wait for monza.