day by day

I dont see any reason why any sane person should be visiting my blog,but now that you are here,i assume ... ;) . I live to eat more than i eat to live.hey.Who moved my cheese??? :)

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I aint a political analyst but am writing this just as a concerned citizen.It is very surprising to see the behaviour of the commies in India.With a mere 60+ strength in the lok sabha,they are behaving as if they have obtained a clear mandate from the people.We want this to be scrapped.We want that to be scrapped.Right from the disinvestment ministry(which i partially agree with) to privatisation to private players in pension funds.Infact a lot more.While they attribute their opposition to the social responsibilities that have to be fulfilled,they have turned a blind eye to the opportunity costs.One way out seems to be to create a body that insulates the enterprises from the whims of the politicians.This should act as an interface between the companies and the govenment.This should strive to enhance the transparency and the autonomy of the PSU's.But right now we seem to be going nowhere on this front.

To say the truth,all this will lead nowhere.I for one seriously believe that all procedural,institutional issues that have huge ramifications are due to the lack of conviction on the part of the concerned authorities.We have some of the best laws,best plans.But rarely have they been implemented.These have remained as paper tigers.It is not like we have been shorn of ideas.The corruption,inefficiency has contributed immensely to this.No wonder privatisation seems to be the way out for these companies.They might be having the potential to perform but it is difficult to perform with all the babudom that characterises these companies.I hope all these blusters remain just that.Empty rhetoric.So much for continuity.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004


Had a pretty eventful week outta town.I get the chance to drive in one of the worst rains where the visibilty factor was tending to zero.Boy o boy.It was long since i had seen such rains.Was praying that the car wouldnt be blown away.The trip back home was almost the same.All of a sudden the bus runs into hard rain and it was decided that we halt for sometime.There was nature in all its strength.And it was kinda scary.I mean with zero visibility all we needed was a truck ramming into us.With the winds blowing so hard,well,we could be flying without wings soon.Finally we got moving and soon reached a rain shadow region and boy was i glad.

BTW,the place i had been to-miraj is famous for 3 D's.No pun intended here.Those 3 D's are-dust,donkeys and doctors if i can copy that phrase from my 10yr old cousin who preponed her Bday for us.Cho chweet.

And couldnt watch the european grandprix after 40laps.And the master was in his best colors.There were two races.One was schumi against himself and the other was among the rest.Who says the season is closed???In the next place is barrichello.It has been a dream season except for the the monaco gp where the only way the champion could be beaten took place.I hope this season makes all the other teams go red in the face. ;)

Adding to the weekend scare was me watching "The Day After Tomorrow".It was a very nice idea to project something that could happen if we change the face of this earth and not be bothered.June 5th is environmental day.And one thing that we can all do is to create awareness.I wonder what are the thoughts of employees of companies like monsanto,cargill which have been embroiled in a variety of issues.I come across as a strange guy sometimes-like i dont like to burn cd's,use plastic,even paper if it is unnecessary,dont upgrade mobiles.Now you know the reason.

Read an article where a 14yr old boy weaves a plot on the net to get himself killed.What has the world turned into?????

Nelson Mandela finally calls it a day.Has been a long journey for this illustrious personality who has been such an essential part of SouthAfrican history.

Flavor of the week

Sarnath Banerjee writes the first illustrated indian novel "Corridor".Shall try to lay my hands on the book.Never liked reading fat books with small font sizes.So sarnath.thank you.