day by day

I dont see any reason why any sane person should be visiting my blog,but now that you are here,i assume ... ;) . I live to eat more than i eat to live.hey.Who moved my cheese??? :)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Too good a day........did almost close to nothing........still waiting to lay my hands on some data here.

As of now,almost a third of the class seems to be here in mumbai........i think i wont get bored........

Have some plans of sleeping for the weekend.then some meeting up with the interns in Aditya Birla in Mumbai if possible this weekend.

Have held up my reading to start reading up on portfolio analysis.quite cool.

Havent explored this place a bit.

time to get back to work(if any).

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I just think that i have hit 2-3 jackpots in my project.Am damn glad that it has worked out.Just have to come up with some analysis and proofs to reinforce it.

The entire day was spent reading and posting messages on my school's message boards.Am kinda missing all my junta back at school.Lunch was as usual too less for me.I need to have atleast two such meals to satiate my hunger.

Gotta catch a will post tomm morning again.

Room.Sweet room!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Major research and reading work today.Read up about sharpe ratio,VAR models,efficient frontier,Modern portfolio theory and the most interesting of em all,the fama-french 3 factor model.Also its relevance in the indian context.

Have got quite some jargon as of now that i can dump in my methodolgy.Hopefully should be able to lay my hands on a few books.

Major credit goes to google for making my task so much easier.I dread to think of life before google and yahoo.Definetely one of the major inflection points in the history of mankind.

Right now,im reading the about imputation and the role of theory of distribution in measurement of this in one of the essays of hayek(i hope i sound a lil esoteric!!!)

Hoping to end this day on a satisfactory note after talking to the chief investments officer.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I think I can spend the time waiting for some input from the direct sales division by composing a post.

Am feeling the Monday blues.Worked during the weekend on the law fart of IRDA.OH boy!!!!I think laws were designed to confuse. Am working hard to develop the mindset of a lawyer than of a portfolio analyst.The amazing number of connectors(jumping around),the huge number of subsections and clauses combine to form a chakravyuha.I can empathize with that guy who mentioned that lawyers were the first employers needed to start retail.

Mumbais weather is much better than hyds or delhis.Hope it doesn’t get too harsh.

Somehow gotta try to get hold of the librarian at this place.could definitely do with some books of upcoming courses.

Have almost finished my work on the guidelines and prudential norms. Am working on devising the methodology. Hoping that it works out good.