Am back after a vacation well-spent at home.This blog has reached half its life and seems to have served it's purpose :) .It is meant to give a peek into life at FMS.No gyaan(a lil frustus though).
Its been a week into the second year.Starting with a four hour session of strategic poisoning is a wonderful way to start the week ;).The last hour is one of the most difficult to get by even though this class gets quite vocal.And the prof is one of the best across the country.And this is one class where the shortcoming of the case method is felt very strongly(purely personal opinion).Agreed we have simulation run throughout the entire period,i feel that the decision-making is influenced as we do not have to live with the decisions.The attribute that cannot be tested in a class??????COURAGE.To make a decision and live with and by it.Looks like im getting into the gyaan mode which is a strict-no.
I have taken four finance electives,1 marketing and 1 operations research elective this sem.Surprisingly, the feel of the course hasnt changed much with the transition from the first year to the second.
Looking back,i think it is time to see what b-school has taught me
1.Learn to do without too much of sleep-Sleep is the closest thing to a bschoolers' heart as far as daily life is concerned.Being used to sleeping at 10:30pm !!!!!,the bschool life comes as a very rude shock.But i think it is an experience that will change one forever.You get used to sleeping and waking at odd hours,infact anytime!!!!.
2.Not to get awed by anything-The regular corporate interactions,the peers and the summers go a long way in facilitating this.The thing is not to get awed but to appreciate.
3.Make something out of anything(that includes nothing)-The countless presentations,the surprise quizzes and the innumerable reports ensure that you become a cyborg who is capable of thinking while generating ??????'stuff' mechanically.
4.One thing that is specific to FMS is the batch camaraderie(i might sound boastful but it is the truth).Rarely are there incidents of misleading,groupism,favoritism and the batch unity is too good.Not that these dont happen but they happen rarely.I hope the readers take this point in the right perspective.Whenever my friends across bschools ask me about one distinct and distinguishing fact about FMS,i tell them it is the camaraderie.Agreed that one should be exposed to the machinations and vile but not all the time.If one doesnt get to experience it,it could be a bad and painful experience in the worklife.All in all,a little of everything is fine ;)
Flavor of the week
Linkin Park and U2
At 10:30 PM,
Punit said…
hey prad... seriously your camaredrie culture is something that is inspiring me to work hard and come to FMS.. hope that i make it up too
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